Sales & Commissions Management
Product Design Lead
Design IC (End-to-End)
X-functional team of 5
Design team of 1
Compass agents needed a way to collaboratively request commission and get approval for sales. We built a new internal tool for agents to complete these complex tasks.
Two Distinct Users
Our product was built for collaboration. So we had to approach each feature and flow from two personas. This lead to unique problems, workflows and lots of prototyping.
Build, Measure, Learn
Our process for this project was rigorous. On a two week cycle we designed & built new software, Tested it with users and synthesized our learnings into new concepts.
Team Workshop
High Fidelity Concept Development
Team Sketching
Synthesizing User Feedback
Shipped Nationwide
We shiped our new tool to all 1000+ Compass agents in all 50 states. After launch we created some “fast follow” features to help relieve new paint-points and optimize workflows.
I like that we followed the build measure learn process.
I like that we were able to feel like we validate features with users frequently.
I wish I had done more lo-fi design.
I wish we were able to do define our long term vision.