
Fraud Prevention



Product Designer


Design IC (End-to-End)


X-functional team of 8
Design team of 1 (me!)


With the recent launch of Life360’s roadside assistance service. Our team was experiencing unexpected high trail costs. We found out that many of our users were creating free trials using roadside assistance then canceling. Allowing users to upgrade in app was not an option due to scope.

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Defining our Use Case

In order to not avoid creating additional friction for users, we needed to present the terms of their free trial clearly. Both after and after they signed up. This set of concepts explored how we might display accomplish this.

Talking to a user who had used roadside and canceled

Talking to a user who had used roadside and canceled

A quick storyboard to synthesize our user research

A quick storyboard to synthesize our user research

Concepting Clarity

With our problem statement defined, we created three concepts. After presenting these concepts, we realized that while they solved our business problems, they were not user centric. They left users at a dead end.

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Nailing down our Customer Journey

After interviewing users and creating concepts. We synced up as a cross functional team. Together, we defined an experience that would allow users to call customer service to upgrade their free trial. Preventing free trial abuse, while creating an upgrade path.

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Our Final Flow

Just one month after release we had recuperated our losses and increased upgrade conversion through this new experience.

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I like that I was able to solve a business and a user problem at once.

I like that even with minimal UI there was lots of design thinking done.


I wish we could have created an upgrade flow in app, but it was not technically possible.

I wish we had more of a long term vision for how roadside assistance will work moving forward.